Mom invited my four siblings and our spouses for a weekend in a rental home on Lake Cochrane in
Gary, South Dakota. We left Friday afternoon and got there in time for dinner.
Check out Gary's website and find the photo gallery and look at events. They have a cattle drive right down the main street. For a small town (about 200 people), they know how to have a good time.
It was a beautiful home with lots of spaces to spread out and visit: big living area, big kitchen area, two or three small decks and a large patio down by the lake. We had a great time. I wish we could have a time-lapse of the whole thing because we would eat a meal, sit together for a while, the crowd would disperse, the circles would shift, and we would come back together.
Here are the photos...or at least some of them.
The reason I included so many of the shots of the whole family is that I couldn't tell which one was best. Someone was looking off or talking or moving in every picture, usually Pat. Ha! It was like an elementary school photo shoot. At least nobody was giving the finger.
Regis and I spent some time on the patio in the afternoon when we got home. We missed our patio! It's so shady and inviting. We had stopped at one of our favorite places in New Ulm for lunch, Plaza Garibaldi, even though we weren't especially hungry. We ate a little bit and took the rest home for dinner. Travel is exhausting, you know.
Joan and David got a new dog, a
labradoodle, which awakened the need Regis has for a dog. I like dogs and I wouldn't mind having one but I don't feel the need like he does. He's doing the research on the breed and on kennels in Minnesota. I liked the golden doodles but the prices are like the puppies are made from mink goats and spun gold. Good grief.
Here's a labradoodle. Isn't that a pretty face?
Regis asked me if I was sure I could stand a dog this size. I think the temperament is more important than the size except that I wouldn't want a Great Dane Doodle which they do make. I'd like a slow-moving, gentle, dog.
I had a terrible night's sleep. I don't know if it's Sunday Psychosis or what. Every time I woke up, about every 90 minutes, River Rock was right in the front of my brain. Last Sunday night I went through the same thing and it worked out just fine.
Even if you don't do anything most of the weekend but sit around and talk and take naps, travel is hard. We got home late afternoon with a load of dirty laundry and no groceries. Sigh. I see a busy Monday night in our future.
Regis had a great dream the other night but I never got a chance to write about it. At River Rock, we're talking about doing evening entertainment a couple times a month. His dream was that I brought in Neil Young, sold the place out, and had a very excited crowd. When it was time for the show to start, I walked up behind the register and brought out a microphone and a boombox and played Searching for a Heart of Gold. The crowd was unhappy. When I announced the next song, A Man Needs a Maid, I booed loudly into the microphone. Where does he get this stuff?
Well, on to Monday. It's Culinarians Day today and I have pictures of the cooks to post in the shop. I had bigger plans but didn't get them executed. Unless you know of someone who can organize a flash mob or do a singing telegram, that is. I found a whole
list of songs about food but I can't sing. If you live in town, stop down a buy a flower for your favorite culinarian today, courtesy of our friends at Mary's Flowers.
Have a wonderful Monday and make it a good week.