Tuesday, July 11, 2017

midsummer evening and promises to myself

It's hot and humid. The dog days of summer. Storms possible tonight right about bedtime which means the weather alert will be screaming and Regis will be watching for lightening. As hot as it is, I like to sit on the patio for a while every evening. It's good for my mental health to be outside...the Japanese call it forest bathing. You can look it up.

I've promised myself that starting in September, I will be outside for an hour every day no matter the weather. Through the winter. I doubt I will freeze or melt. I love walking in the fall but my enthusiasm wanes as it gets darker and colder. Kathryn and I made a pact so I'm optimistic.

The coneflowers have started blooming and they'll continue through early fall. I think I saw some white ones again. Also white phlox. And the false sunflowers that I thought had disappeared are back in full force. I love that about gardening. It's like magic.

Two months ago I promised myself that I would go to the gym three times every week. Gunnar wrote up weight programs for me to do on the days I am not training with him so I have some structure. There was only one week when I didn't make it three times and I was out of town for three days that week. Yay me.

I've used blogger by Google for ten years and mostly I love it. It's easy to use and I rarely have problems. This alignment thing it's doing right now makes me crazy so I have decided to ignore it. Like the dishes in the sink.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...