I meant to get back to blog posting with this trip, but I made a mistake in the settings for emailing posts and couldn't fix it on my phone. Hell.
Now, I'll go back through my photos and posts on Facebook and try to recreate my trip.
I’m sure some will view me as a complete rube, but the truth is, I am about to embark on a cross country trip that makes maybe my 6th or 7th, depending on whether you count Minneapolis to Cedar Rapids cross country. It’s nothing but that I like home. I don’t feel any compunction to leave and find unfamiliar spaces. I like my chair, my view, my pets, and my honey. Regis dreamed once that we dressed in lederhosen and visited www.germany.com. It’s how we roll.I am very excited to see my friend, Betty. We've been friends since the late 70s when I moved to St. Peter. These are pictures from our early days...way before cell phone cameras.
So, here I am, a total nervous wreck. Full of unreasonable fears. Tidal waves. Jelly fish. Marauders who will kill me and bury my bullet riddled corpse in the sand. Ah, well. It might be fine. I’m not optimistic.
1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...