Thursday, October 05, 2006

Day #5

Ok, all you skeptics. Like there's a crowd reading this blog...hahahahha! It's 8:00 p.m. on Day #5 and no walk yet. Regis has just finished his seventh day of work...five of them ten hour days and he sayed over in Rochester. He'll be home by ten. I've had a wild week, too, and didn't go out this morning by myself like I planned. It was too cold and I was tired. Wah. We have a plan to take the dogs out when he gets home...we'll see if that really transpires.
On another note, not related to walking, I spent the evening with Bob and Emily and that beautiful baby Miss Ella. She is such a doll and such a character. She did every trick she knows at dinner...funny faces, funny noises, babbling, tossing peas over the side of the high chair. Of course, I laughed, then she laughed. She stands now for several seconds at a time, sometimes with her arms out like a ballerina. She won't take a step yet, though, but drops to her butt.
More later on the walk.

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observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...