Monday, October 16, 2006


I didn't walk yesterday but I was so tired after all the work I did, that I gave myself credit for one mile. Is that cheating?
I got home from work at 5, donned my walking shoes, stuck my iPod in my pocket and walked two miles...up 4th Street to the corner by the Redmen and then back down 3rd Street. Yay for me!!! I listened to Bill Maher, super-liberal on Real Time. Robin Williams was the guest. It was windy and cloudy but I enjoyed it. My butt was dragging a little by the time I got home but I still took the garbage cans down and made myself some dinner...a plate of cheese and rye bread, olives, and a glass of wine.
I saw a cloud of black birds that reshaped itself every few seconds. It was almost like an optical illusion against the gray autumn sky. It would look like a heart, then disappear, then shape itself into a double circle. Beautiful!
Regis took the dogs out last night late. I can't do that. We might be walking solo from now on. We have different ideas about what constitutes walking.

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