There will always be people who have more than we do — and less than we have. That is just the way of the world. This year we have much for which to be thankful. We have a new generation started with the birth of Ella last New Year's day. In 2007 we will have a new family member by marriage when Reggie and Amber tie the knot in August. All the members of our family are healthy, and there are no hardships to navigate as we sail towards the New Year. We have endured some minor losses. Conner has left the company of the lovely Tiffany. Her heart will mend. I, of course, see this as a positive development and with a little luck will be able to airbrush him from most of the pictures.
This year brings a monster meal hosted at our home by the sweet and kind hearted Teresa. My wife, bless her heart, is always eager and willing to strap on a feed for all who are willing to come. Be it Glen, Derek, or any other soul without a place to go Teresa welcomes all to our home on the fourth Thursday in November each year. I am thankful to have her in my life and in this regard have more than most men. She did put her foot down when it came to her ex husband, who it seemed was fishing for an invitation, but a girl does have to have some standards. This year we will be hosting Amber's parents for the first time. We have no idea how that will go but since the invitation was extended after imbibing copious amounts of alcohol we will be excused if all does not go well.
There you have it. The die is cast, the ball is in play, and there ain't no stoppin us now. Any clichés forgotten? I will try to maintain my composure as I watch Teresa wind herself up like an eight day clock as we approach Thursday. I will try to remind her everything will be ok, that it is ok to eat from disposable plates, and that indeed 400 pounds of food will feed 60 people or 12 Fritsches which is the rough equivalent. Most of all I will remind her that at the end of the day we will let the belts out a notch or two and remember all that we can be thankful for. Let us remember that we laugh together but cry alone.
The picture, incidentally, is the theme collage that I put together for this year's festivities. These are all pictures there of family members and a few friends surrounding the classic Norman Rockwell painting. Some have passed and many will not be in Saint Peter come Thursday. But is who we are and from whence we came.
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