Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

We think the new dog food...purchased at the vet clinic because we didn't want to brave the grocery store's holiday what is moving the dogs' bowels at such a rapid rate. Apparently they are not accustomed to the high fiber content. This is not a problem we should have this weekend. It also does not explain the peeing thing.

We have a beautiful sunny day for Christmas Eve. I've been in the kitchen for a while already...Regis not far behind, doing dishes, running for things I've forgotten, doing the manly heavy lifting.

Last night we did one of those blended family dinner gigs. Steve and Brenda, Brenda's daughter Jenny and husband Christian, Bill and Diann, and their son Joe who is Tiffany's age, Regis, Tiffany, and me. We went to Dino's in North Mankato where they make wonderful thin crust pizza and serve, as some of our younger friends have noticed, beer in 40 ounce bottles. Bring your own paper bag. It was a nice time but so strange to see Tiffany and Joe all grown up.

Well, I'm off to the kitchen again. This morning I'm making spiced nuts (organic, free-range nuts from the coop which cost a small fortune), potato rolls, and a fruit compote. I love to cook but wish I had a sous chef and a cleaning crew like Emerill does.

If you're waiting for a Christmas card from us; they are coming. Maybe next week.


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