This is a picture of my handsome husband and our mostly blind dog, Kramer. Regis performed a wedding last night at the Butler House [http://www.butlerhouse.com/] a turn-of-the-century English-style mansion in Mankato. While he did the wedding, I went to Barnes and Noble and looked at sale stuff and calendars, then, all dressed up, we went to Hermie's for a cheeseburger. The elegant and the mundane in one night.
Our plans for New Year's Eve were to watch Ella so Bob and Emily could go out, a rare occurence for young parents, but Ella had to go to Urgent Care and has a double ear infection and possibly strep throat so we will have to amuse ourselves. If the weather continues this way, Regis may be so glad to get home that he doesn't want to leave the house. It's been raining for two days and now has turned to wet, heavy snow.
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