Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wicked Cold

It's wicked cold here today. Our weather station says the real temp is 8 degrees and the wind chill is 8 below zero. Bitterly cold. I went to Mankato today and poked around the bargains. I can't resist some of that stuff. I got some very cool little red pots at TJ Maxx. They look like soup pots but they're one-serving size. Also got a red messenger bag that if I register it by the number on a tiny metal tag, and then lose it somewhere, they will rescue it for me providing the person who finds it calls their 800 number. Ha! What a concept. They have some gorgeous jewelry at Target...real bling stuff with lots of giant rhinestones...for cheap.

We stopped at the bar last night for a beer after school. The place was full of teachers. Must say something about the academic year. Everyone is tired and it's the dog days of January. Maybe we'll feel better once February comes around.


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