Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Doorbells Redux

The doorbells that I was so proud of last week have come to naught. After they were installed on the board, only about three of them worked reliably. A couple didn't work at all. Apparently this is the difference between a doorbell system purchased for 2000$ and installed by a professional and one purchased at Menards and installed by me. No wonder I'm not principal of the year. The building and grounds guy for the district thought this would look sort of "Jeff Foxworthy" anyway. Does that mean redneck?

I figured out the other day that I can retire in 2011...the year I turn 58. If I did the math right, that is, which is not likely if you know anything about my math skills. (At the Super Bowl, we collected 5 dollars from 10 people and I thought I would win 25 bucks. It was that F in second grade that caused my math phobia.) That's four more years to work, if my math is right. Too bad I took the money out of my retirement when I left Iowa but I was about 23 years old and what did I care about retirement. Little did I know. Here's another piece of good irony. About five years ago, I called TRA to see what it would cost to recapture those three years. Some very earnest woman told me it would cost me the small sum of 30,000 dollars. Ha. If I had that kind of money, would I be so worried about TRA?

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