Sunday, March 11, 2007

End of Weekend

It was nice enough this afternoon that I took a notion to clean up the porch. We don't use it much in the winter because there aren't heat ducts out there. This time of year, it starts to warm up enough that we can sit out there for about a couple hours mid-afternoon. The sun was coming in the east window, Kramer was lying on the back of the couch soaking up the rays, and I could see the dust was thick. I got done just in time for us to sit down and read the paper before it clouded up and cooled off. At least the porch is clean if it's warm enough on St. Patrick's Day.

Tom and Betty brought a box full of goodies down last night and we did fondue for dinner. Do you do fondue or have fondue? Or is fondue the verb? We fondued. That doesn't sound right either. In any case, we had little bits of rib-eye steak, Cuban bread, vegetables (there were lots of those left) and swiss cheese. We cooked the bread and meat in oil, then in the cheese. For dessert we had strawberries and bananas in chocolate ganache. It smelled like the State Fair in here this morning but it brought back good memories.

When I was in college my friend, Mike Erickson, called that curious dread of Monday that you get on Sunday night, the Sunday psychosis. If you've ever worked, you know what it is. Not that you hate your job but it's the sudden feeling that all the things that go along with working as opposed to leisure are going to slam down on you again the next day. I keep checking my lottery tickets but Lyn says her chances of getting the money by accident are about as good as my winning. Guess I have to keep working, Sunday psychosis or not.

We watched The Prestige this afternoon. It was good but I didn't like it as well as The Illusionist. It was a little too much work to watch. I had to keep checking with Regis to make sure I wasn't missing something. In the end I was annoyed more than entertained. Last night we watched Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. It's about three drag queens who head out across the outback of Australia in a bus. Very strange but there were some great lines.

A Spot of Bother (Mark Haddon) on the other hand, is great. George watched his wife walk into the kitchen in the morning and wondered how he could love this woman with the witch hair and wattles. I laughed right out loud. It's a little dark and twisted but the British humor is hilarious. It would make a god movie but there are too many off-color parts and too much general weirdness. I don't think it would play well in the Midwest. I hate it when the text in a post doesn't fit right with a picture so I'm going to keep writing and try to get this sentence to go to the bottom of the book graphic. There.

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