Saturday, March 03, 2007

Music, movies, cooking, and snow

I didn't like The Departed but I did like the music, so I bought it from iTunes this morning and have been listening to it ever since. It has tunes by Roger Waters (Pink Floyd, the Beach Boys, the Allman Brothers, Badfinger, Patsy Cline, and a band called the Dropkick Murphys (punk Irish music). I haven't liked a soundtrack so much since The Wonder Boys.

I just finished a pan of brownies using a recipe from Cooks Illustrated. I really like them (the reviews say not too cakey and not too fudgey) but sometimes a crust forms on top and I can't figure it out. You mix them by hand and I wonder if I don't mix them enough. And now I bet you wonder that, too, unless you use box brownies which are an abomination and don't deserve the name. There's no excuse for bad brownies and store-bought wiener buns fall into that category. Don't even get me started on Pop Tarts and jello.

I've been experimenting with different chocolates and today used Ghiradelli bittersweet chips. If you read about chocolate, those folks are real snobs. The choices in St. Peter are not many and what isn't Hershey is expensive but I wanted to see if it made a difference. Like to time Tom and I tried expensive wine to see if it really was better than cheap wine. It was. The Toad Hollow bottle of pinot noir ($45) beat out the Yellow Tail pinot noir ($9) by a mile. One of us would have to get a better job before we could have that on our regular wine repertoire, however. My current favorite wine is Black Box cabernet. I like the description in the link: Black Box Wines - High-End Boxed Wine: Vintage Dated Bag-in-Box Wines

Ella and I are going up to Tom and Betty's tonight. I bet she'll love Gonzo and Betty's nephew and niece. I'll take some pictures so I have something to post besides snow.

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