Wednesday, March 07, 2007

New job and hump day

We made it through the first part of the week. Regis seems to enjoy his new job, at least the training part and I managed to get a meal on the table a couple times. School was kind of crazy after the long weekend and I have bruises to prove it. One little crapper who was making high-pitched shrieking noises all morning thought he could barricade me out of the entry of the school. Guess he was wrong.

Since we joined Netflix, watching movies has become somewhat of an obligation. We watched Pirates of the Caribbean last night and I could hardly stand it. If it hadn't been for Johnny Depp that would have been a complete loser of a movie. As it was, I gave it a 2. Tonight we have Taladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. It's the kind of movie you really don't have to pay attention to...that's a plus on a Wednesday night.

I started a book last night called A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon. The review from Publisher's Weekly says: Recent retiree George Hall, convinced that his eczema is cancer, goes into a tailspin in this laugh-out-loud slice of British domestic life. George, 61, is clearly channeling a host of other worries into the discoloration on his hip (the "spot of bother"): daughter Katie, who has a toddler, Jacob, from her disastrous first-marriage to the horrid Graham, is about to marry the equally unlikable Ray; inattentive wife Jean is having an affair—with George's former co-worker, David Symmonds; and son Jamie doesn't think George is OK with Jamie's being queer. Mild-mannered George, despairing over his health, slinks into a depression; his major coping strategies involve hiding behind furniture on all fours and lowing like a cow. Quite a cast of characters.

Well, so far, I wouldn't recommend Taladega Nights. Gads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT?! You wouldn't recommend Taladega Nights?! I hope you had a change of heart after the family-praying-before-dinner-at-the-table scene. I think that 2 minute gab fest about sweet baby Jesus makes the entire movie worthwhile.


I'll check in later for your next movie review!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...