Sunday, April 22, 2007

Betty's Birthday: April 23rd

Happy Birthday, Betty!

We celebrated Betty's birthday with a cook-out at Kathy and Harvey's on Saturday. The menu was all appetizers, most cooked on the Weber grill: rye bread with cream cheese spreads, crab cakes with mango salsa, chicken wings that had been marinated in some delicious cumin, cayenne, celery seed stuff, asparagus with balsamic vinegar, scallops wrapped in bacon, portabella mushrooms, cheddarwurst, bruschetta with pesto sauce and provolone, pineapple and banana kabobs. Kathy served a chocolate drizzled cream pie for dessert.

It was all delicious and we kind of ate our way through the day. There are more pictures on my mac website. There are more food pictures...for some reasons I like to take pictures of food lately. (See St. Patrick's Day website!) The food is always so good and it's fun to look back and remember.

It was so windy in the middle of the afternoon that we sat in the garage, but about dusk, the wind went down and we pulled our chairs out onto the driveway. I suppose this is a rube-ish thing to do...sit in the garage and on the driveway. Do people in ritzy neighborhoods do this? Ah, well. That's life in a small town.

Regis had to go back to work at ACS today. The Midwest Call Center has someone else starting Monday the 30th so they asked if he could wait until then. Big groan from me. He's having a string of sad phone calls from people wanting to make reservations or cancel reservations today. It's never for a good or happy reason. It's kind of like bed sales that way...sometimes people bought a new bed just because...but many times it was a divorce or a move or a fire. Maybe the new job will be less stressful that way, too.

I better get something done today. We might get severe weather later which means I will be sitting in the basement wringing my hands. Hahahahahah. Not really.

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