Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday, Monday

Man, it was a stress-filled day. Not like anything in particular was wrong...just weird and tight feeling. Maybe it's the weather. We had a tiny peek at the sun today but it's gone now and the clouds are back. I went out and rescued a bunch of daffodils when I heard it's going to be 22 tomorrow. They're hardy but heavy rain and snow is hard on them.

I saw three baby animals today. Deb Johnson and her family are raising a dog to be a leader dog for the blind. He's a seven-week old golden retriever baby and so damn cute you can hardly stand it. Then when I went into North Intermediate this afternoon, there were two baby lambs in the office. Regis tells me they belong to the family of animals called bovidae (small ruminants) that includes cows, sheep, and goats. Oh my, such wooly little heads and pretty little faces. I would love to raise sheep and goats but they would all have to die of old age because I could never send them to the know where. I saw an ad in the paper the other day...lamb for sale...will deliver to local processor. Uff da. That would be one sad ride down the road in the old pick-up truck for me.

I'm almost done with my book Let Me Finish by Roger Angell. Ironic since Herb Carneal died yesterday. You'll have to figure that out for yourself. He tells a story about one man he worked with who said he had dreams about the Queen Mum. They laughed and said she was quite a symbol (of something) and after all, didn't everybody dream about her? He said, "Erotic dreams?" Eeeeeuuuwwww. The next book I'm reading is called The Good Good Pig by Sy Mongomery. I wonder if pigs are in the bovidae family. And Regis thought I was only interested in transvestites.

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