Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday in the garden

I spent most of the day in my garden. This picture is the fern-leaf peony I wrote about in a previous post, the one I almost put in the compost pile. I've had it for years and this is its first blossom. The whole plant is about a foot high and the flower is maybe five inches across. It's a beautiful deep red. Here is what I did in the garden:
  • Trimmed the junipers on the hill in front
  • Cleaned the dead stalks out of the coneflower beds
  • Pulled about forty miles of artemesia roots out of the back of the garden. This is the plant that my neighbor said was not invasive, but is.
  • Pulled out a bunch of false sunflowers
  • Transplanted a few things to the hill by the sidewalk where most things won't grow
  • Cleaned up the monarda
  • Pulled grass out of the daylilies
  • Fertilized the new shrubs
  • Took out the shrub in front of the house that looked dead and probably was
  • Planted all the house plants in pots so they can live outside for the summer
  • Took a truck load of plant debris and grass clippings to the compost pile
I only stopped because we had a couple big claps of thunder then a couple hours of rain, often and on heavy with huge drops. All the garden work was a big job and I took a short nap when it was done. We cooked a couple hot dogs on the grill with portabella mushrooms and Vidalia onions...and of course, had a beer on the driveway. What a nice Saturday.

Regis says the titan arum is blooming!

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