Saturday, July 14, 2007


Regis took some beautiful pictures of our garden tonight. In some ways it's embarrassing because if you've been in my garden, you know it doesn't look quite this good. There are bare spots, weeds, and ratty looking plants. But hey, it makes me feel a lot better about the garden magazines I look at because those gardens probably don't look as good as their pictures either.

I love this picture because of the way the white coneflowers look like little alien ships in the Milky Way of pink ones. If you can stand to look at more flower pictures, I posted 30+ of them on my mac site here. Make sure you do the slideshow.

We did a few projects today, something of which we are not fond. Regis hauled the front door out to the yard and sanded it so I could paint it. I hate to throw paint out so I used the same color as the trim, a dark rosy red. It's pretty but the paint was crappy and didn't even cover with two coats. It's done though, and the trim and the mailbox got a new coat of paint, too.

The other thing we did was to try and wash the egg off the side of the Toyota. Some little smart crappers have taken to egging cars on our street about once a month. Regis and Mike (the magician) are talking about setting up a webcam so they can nail the stinkers and get revenge by letting the air out of the tires or something equally sinister. I don't think I would mess with a magician.

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