Thursday, July 05, 2007

July 4th

We had grand plans for the 4th but only managed to carry out fifty percent of them. It was too hot to go to the parade so we stayed home in the AC and decorated cupcakes to take to one of the three parties we were going to attend later in the day. We went to Bob's for a while, then to Tom and Betty's where we spent the afternoon in leisurely beer and food consumption. Betty and I sat on the swing and dangled our feet in a wading pool full of cold water. Regis smoked a cigar and had a nap in the shade. Tom floated on his air mattress in the big pool. We came home at 8, intending to go across the street to another party during the fireworks. What started out to be a short nap turned into what Tiffany called the big nap...we woke up at ten to go to bed for the night. I guess we're too old for that much fun in one day.

Today is Regis' double gold birthday...he's 55 on the 5th. We're celebrating on Saturday with a 'tini and wienie party. That's martinis and hot dogs for those of you who are not suave and sophisticated. Tuesday we start the AARP Over-55 driving class. The irony of that is the damn class goes until 10:00. I'll need No-Doze to stay awake until the end.

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