Friday, July 27, 2007

Pizza on the grill

We made pizza on the Weber grill tonight. Tom made it once and we liked it so we wanted to try it. I made the dough a few days ago and had it in the refrigerator. We used fresh basil from the garden, hoemade (that's what the label said!) mozzarella from the coop, and grilled portabella mushrooms and Vidalia onions. I can't believe the crust doesn't just droop right through the grates, but it doesn't. We agreed it was delicious.

Here's the dough recipe we used:
Basic Pizza Dough
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 package active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

I make this in my bread machine. Sometimes I throw in a little parmesan or some herbs. We followed the Weber grill recipe for cooking it on the grill. Spread the dough into 8-10 inch circles, oil well with olive oil, lay on parchment paper square, oil the top well, lay on another sheet of parchment, then layer paper and dough, oiling well each time. By the time I got it to the grill, it had started to get a little too puffy so I had to spread and flatten them more. You don’t want them too thick. Take a sheet of parchment and flop the dough on the grill, then peel off the parchment. We cooked one side about 4 minutes. Take off the grill, add toppings to the cooked side, return to grill, cook about five more minutes.

On the wildlife front, we had a young cardinal come to the feeder tonight. He was kind of rusty brown with a really bad Mohawk haircut. Must have finally gotten booted out of the nest.

If you know about Regis' recent medical issues, we found out today that the CT scan showed gall stones. Not good but much better than we imagined. He'll meet with the doctor on Tuesday to talk about interventions. Internet research says that chocolate, fried foods, and caffeine are bad for the gall bladder. Those are like three food groups here. The only one they left out is beer.

We had almost 1.7 inches of rain yesterday afternoon and evening. All the growing things look happier, even the weeds.

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