Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wedding and technology

The wedding day was beautiful...gorgeous, sunny, almost fall-like weather. We had a wonderful time and have lots of pictures and video to prove it.

Tiffany and Peter were both here for the weekend and it was so nice to have them around.

Regis and Amber and the parents of the groom. Of course, I can't wear anything that looks like a polyester mother-of-the-groom frock...I have to come in this robe that's called Luna Luna. It has a big moon face on the back and probably scared away small children. It was fun to wear.

Regis and Regis in their wedding attire. Regis' robe was borrowed from the local Lutheran church. It had a note on it that said it was hand-made in 1910 for a Swedish Lutheran minister in Minneapolis. I'm not sure the secretary knew what she was lending out!

The ceremony was sweet and short. Bob live-streamed it so the folks from out-of-state could see it. There's a link to the video at the bottom of this post.

Someone must have told Ella to say cheese. She looked so cute it took your breath away but she didn't really want to have her picture taken or walk down the aisle. There's a classic picture on my mac site of her glued to Bob, stiff and crying. It was very sad to see her so distressed. She was fine by the end and even danced a few times.

Regis has a celebratory cigar at the end of the wedding. One of my friends said that he does such a nice ceremony that you'd think he did it all the time.

I love this picture of Regis and Amber laughing. They really seemed to enjoy the whole weekend.

Amber's Grandma Carol wanted to do a conga line so requested the music from Brian. She talked me into leading it (that was tough) and so we got about 30 people to dance with us. What a hoot. There's a link to the video on the bottom of this post.

I told Peter I had pictures of him doing Y-M-C-A with Kathy and he asked me never to show it to anyone. I didn't think I could do's just too precious.

All in all, it was a great weekend and a beautiful wedding with many poignant moments. We cried, we laughed, we danced, we toasted, we hugged...

If you'd like to see almost as much of the wedding weekend as I did, here are some links:

To pictures on my mac site

To video of the conga line

To video of the ceremony

To the Amber and Regis site

In case the link to the conga video doesn't work for you, here it is from youtube:


Jill said...

If Jeff asks you to start a conga line during back to school workshops, give me a call and I'll run over and join in. It could be a start of a whole new era in the district. All those articles in the Hightlights abouit everybody being so excited for school to start would make sense if the first meeting opened with a conga line led by you. Boas and Mardi Gras beads for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Great idea. It might be a bigger hit than Restructuring Special Education! Ugh. I like the idea of feather boas more than Learning Matters t-shirts, too. I slapped a boycott on t-shirts last year and didn't wear mine.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...