We made a harrowing trip to Canby yesterday on icy roads and an equally harrowing trip back today in zero visibility. I was terrified and even covered my face with my hands a couple times. Not when I was driving although I don't think it would have impaired me much. We had a wonderful time with Mom and Peter, and Pat and his family, so we were glad to be able to go but very relieved to be home.
Regis was so intrigued with the last krumkakke we made that he talked about them at work. One of his co-workers shared a recipe she said has been in her family for a hundred years. They were delicious. Here it is:
Beat 1 cup whipping cream and set aside.
Beat 4 eggs
Add 1 and 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup melted butter
1 cup buttermilk
Add whipped cream
Add 2 and 1/2 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Drop by teaspoonful onto to iron. (We tried a measuring teaspoon...way too small. More like a tablespoon worked better.)
Remove, roll, and cool.
Dust with powdered sugar.
I'm going to have to use the scoop shovel cleaning technique tomorrow...throw anything sitting around into laundry baskets and hide the baskets in the shower. Holidays are almost beyond my ability to cope. Regis had been very helpful this year but I still feel like I've been dragged through a knot-hole butt-first. That's a lovely image, eh?
Tomorrow it's off to the races so probably no post. I'll be back Christmas Day with stories and pictures.
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