Sunday, January 13, 2008


I think I have my sleep mojo back. The last two nights I have slept hard...even had dreams and then trouble waking up to the alarm. That never happens. Usually my eyes pop open and I feel like I haven't been asleep at all. I took a nap today that was like being sedated. Let's hope it lasts.

Regis and I are back to our weekly cooking. Today we made soft pretzels (Martha Stewart's recipe) and white lasagna. The last one is a recipe the success of which remains to be seen. We left out the chicken and the dry white wine and anytime I make adjustments, I get confused. Regis said he'd take pictures so those will be posted later.

I'm going to try having a menu for the week and the groceries purchasing done on Sunday. We'll see how that goes since it seems to be in contrast to my random personality. One thing I enjoy is keeping binders of recipes and notes about what went well and what didn't. I think I can do it like that and it won't feel like a chore. Again, we'll see.

Reggie turns 30 this week on Thursday so we celebrated last night at their apartment. Amber made a delicious meal, her parents were there along with Bob and Emily and Ella, and Glen. We had a good time. Let's see...I'm married to a guy with a son who is 30 years old. That makes Regis an oooold guy. How did this happen? Where did my youth go? And who's that old lady in the mirror?

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