I also read This Goat's Life regularly. In fact, the other night I scanned through a slideshow and I knew the name of almost every goat pictured. (That blog is updated frequently and it keeps my interest hint hint.) Of course, the '08 kids will start showing up soon so the farmer won't have time to write. The farmer is a good writer and tells some great stories about the goats' adventures. I've learned a lot about goat farming, too, which you never know may come in handy one day.
I also like the blog called The Lope. It's named after an antelope figure that appears in a lot of the pictures. The person who writes it has a penchant for antique decorations and neon so it's fun to look at the pictures. They've been all over taking pictures of Christmas displays and some of them are pretty funky. It's worth a look.
This one is called Roadside Architecture. I don't know if the author works, but in any case she spends a lot of time on the road taking pictures of interesting architecture and neon signs. It's like traveling without leaving home. Kind of like when Regis had that dream that we would dress up in the costumes of different countries and then visit their websites. Lederhosen and www.germany.com. Ha!
Hmmmm...I feel as though I should update my blog.
Oh, Annie, we miss you in blogville. Yes...pictures, stories, commiseration. Have you checked out www.etsy.com? It's my favorite new shopping spot. I just realized I was leaving a note to you on my blog. Better email it to you.
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