Monday, February 04, 2008

Ella's balloon animals

Bob has a new hobby and Ella has a supply of balloon animals. I told him I think we can get him a gig at the elementary school. Little kids love balloon animals. His website had a picture of the bags of balloons. I bet we'll be seeing these for a long time.

We had about two inches of snow followed by an hour or so of sleet. Unpleasant. The snow was sort of like late March snow...heavy and wet.

More later...


Anonymous said...

Hi Teresa,
That Paul Douglas guy sure talks big. We only got about an inch of white stuff today in O-town. Your talk about heavy and wet snow in late March makes me think winter must drag on forever. Geesh, it's only my first winter and I'm already wondering when it will be "Spring". Maybe when I'm big enough to build a snowman I'll be a little happier.

Jill said...

Lucky Ella! After having written that, I'm now wondering if Ella will start dreaming that her bedroom has been taken over by balloon giraffes and dogs. What kind of animals are the nearly identical blue and orange ones above Ella's head? No offense, Bob but they look like intestine parts.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...