Our Girl Scout cookies were delivered yesterday. You see what you pay for those babies (a lot)and estimate the time it takes to eat a whole box (not much) and it doesn't seem right. It's a good thing they aren't for sale all year because we'd catch on and stop eating them. When the Wizard of Oz was on once a year, everybody watched it that night. Now that you can own the DVD and watch it whenever you want to, who cares? Same thing.
I have been checking out Youtube and looking at clips of old cartoons and movies. Here's the clip of Ma and Pa Kettle doing math. It's a hoot. 25 divided by 5 is 14 and they can prove it. And one of my personal favorites: Gomer Pyle doing a citizen's arrest when Barney makes an illegal U-turn.
On to the rest of the day. Looks like we might get some snow. I'll keep you posted, Miles! It's 16 frosty degrees right now.
I suppose it wouldn't make you feel any better if I told you I sleep like a log from 9:00 p.m. to 6 a.m? And I do this every night! Must be my new sleeping arrangement!
I'm so far behind in reading your blog entries, it's pathetic. I admire your constancy. I only get to mine now and then.
Not one little Girl Scout showed up at our door this year to sell cookies, so I didn't know it was cookie season already. Dang. I thought about it briefly yesterday at Annie and Tanner's because Annie served Edy's Samoa Cookie ice cream with the brownies she baked. Oh my, was that ever gooooooooooooood!
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