Saturday, March 29, 2008


We had a barbecue at Tom and Betty's tonight to commemorate the tornado. Mostly Tom had a barbecue because the rest of us stayed inside by the fire where it was warm. After dinner we went down to the bar, lit a candle for Dustin, and toasted the tornado. We told some stories, then watched Twister which is a totally unrealistic tornado movie. Don't ever think you can get that close to an F-5 tornado and not get torn apart by the debris, much less out-run one on foot or in a truck. Those people would have been dead ten times by the end of that movie but that's Hollywood.

We had a good time. Betty had some new song books from the 70s so we belted out a few songs by the Beatles one of which was Eleanor Rigby which they had someone sing at their wedding. It never really struck me as a wedding song being kind of a moody and dark song like Miss Havisham from Great Expectations. But what the hell. We laughed and then sang some Rod Stewart. Neither of us will be giving up our day jobs to pursue a musical career anytime soon. At least not me.

Tom bought Regis a cool felt cowboy hat at the guitar auction last weekend and he wore it home which made him stay in this Tennessee southern persona where he talked slow and said y'all and mentioned about Moon Pies a lot. It might have been some of last night's concert hanging over, too. Anyway, it was funny.

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