We made a deep dish pizza for dinner with some dough that I froze from the last escapade. It was delicious, topped with sweet pepper, onions, chopped pepperoni, garlic, and several kinds of cheese. While we were monkeying around with that, chopping and such, Regis got out some martini glasses and made us a Manhattan. Oh my. That is a nice drink. A nice sense of warmth and comfort.

Joanne called me on her way home and said we should go out by Hermie's and check out the pelicans. Sure enough. There were hundreds of them. We parked the car where we thought we could get a good look and I scaled a steep cliff in my panty hose and Dansko clogs, taking my life in my hands, but that wasn't the best shot so we drove on out on 99. They're shy little buggers and must think the camera will steal their souls. Every time we got a good focus, they would move. I think they're migrating through because we don't see them around in the summer.

On the job note, I'm talking really smart tonight. Who knows what strange emotion tomorrow will bring.
When I was driving home, I noticed the little bumps on my steering wheel right by the horn buttons. At first I thought they were Braille for horn but then I thought, boy, a blind person driving a car would have worse problems than the horn would require. Then I decided it really isn't Braille for horn after all. Must be some tactile stimulation thing the Germans thought of on a VW. Very interesting.
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