Thursday, June 05, 2008

June 4: Dad's birthday

Yesterday, June 4th, was my Dad's birthday. I meant to post this picture last night but I was on the porch and my pictures were in here. He's been gone a couple years now but I can still hear his laugh and see his face. He would have loved this weekend at the lake.

On another note, we have turbulent weather ahead. Here's the forecast from PD at the Trib:

Storms bubbling up across Iowa may spread into the metro area and much of southern MN by Thursday AM, making for a slow and soggy AM rush hour.

Moderate risk of severe storms, hail, violent straight-line winds and isolated tornadoes on Thursday over central and southern Minnesota...I do expect 1-3 tornado touch-downs Thursday statewide.

When do we catch a break? More storms Friday, another round late Saturday...Sunday should be drier and sunnier.

My neighbor with the riding lawnmower was on my front lawn, right outside my bedroom window, mowing our grass last night at 9:30. With a halogen headlight on his mower. I am going to put a stop to this crazy business. Who needs that coming by the bedroom window when you're trying to sleep?

Off to the races.


Anonymous said...

No wonder Pauly was fired from 'CCO. He never could get the weather right, and he STILL can't! My commute to daycare this morning was quite dry.

Let me know what the weather is like in St. Peter tonight, Teresa. What hits you will no doubt hit us!

Anonymous said...

9:30 at night or 7:00 on a weekend morning. One or the other seems to be the preferred time of obsessive compulsive lawn freakos. I say stop the madness!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...