If you've read anything good lately (or even in the past), please leave a comment and let me know the author and title. A few words about the book would be helpful, too, but don't worry if you can't or don't feel like it...author and title are enough. I'm desperate!
I consulted my better half about what she has been reading these days. This is what she came up with:
*The Glass Castle (she bets you have already read this)
*The Cape Ann by Faith Sullivan
*The Number One Lady Detective Series books by Alexander McCall Smith.
You've probably read them all. For me, I'm too busy reading action plans and diagrams to have time for much else.
i don't read too many adult books these days, but here are some i've liked in the past year or so: the thirteenth tale (setterfield), special topics in calamity physics (pessl), and the brief wonderous life of oscar wao (diaz).
i just requested atmospheric disturbances (galchen) as i keep seeing great reviews for it, and the new salman rushdie.
if you like "chick lit" at all, the new jennifer weiner was great, i'm reading the new jane green, and i hear the new marion keyes is good, too (it's in my library queue).
Hello again:
I have three books in front of me here and Kari said I should bring them to you.
*Gap Creek by Robert Morgan
*The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
*House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III
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