Tuesday, July 15, 2008

warm morning

Regis and I got up early and went for a walk before the day heats up and gets unbearable. He and I have different walking styles. He likes to accommodate the dog and I'd rather leave him at home. He is a very lovable dog with humans but he has no tolerance for dogs. You always have to be on the look-out for unsuspecting mutts, the doggy appearances of which Kramer would prefer to alter. So he makes me nervous and I'm always scanning the road ahead for possible canines. Regis generally approaches a walk like a military mission. He has paths plotted out that are different lengths and he goes down the road at a good clip, knowing exactly where he'll go. I like to wander and look at things and visit as I go. It's a compromise, our walking together.

I have a piano for sale. When I was a little girl, I envied my friends who had pianos and who learned to play even though they hated their lessons. When my kids were little, I was determined to have a piano. They both hated piano lessons, it was a constant battle, and they didn't learn to play very much. I've taught myself a few things but it's not a method I recommend. I think for the most part, I've learned bad habits and only have a two-song repertoire: Lavender's Blue and For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. It's not enough to keep a piano around for but I'll be sad to see it go.

More coffee, shower, errands, work, bills....it will be a full day.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I've told you about my piano lesson experience, taking lessons as an adult and using a neighbor's piano because we didn't have one. You have two more songs in your repertoire than I do. People shouldn't try to learn an instrument that requires coordination, thinking, and both hands at that age.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...