Monday, August 11, 2008

babies etc

I opened up my blog and looked at the baby ultrasound...all of a sudden, there it was. The little head, the dancing leg, and the tiny waving hand. I guess you just have to look at those in the right those optical illusions.

I came home between meetings and to give Kramer a ride home from his haircut appointment. I don't think he'd find the way on his own. I asked if he behaved and they said there were no notes, so apparently he did. He's been known to not behave. One time he grabbed some little white fluffy thing by the cheek and would not let go. It was mortifying.

The new Rolling Stone came today. There's an article about Robert Downey, Jr. that I'm anxious to read but I'll wait until tonight. I hope it isn't one of those drug riddled exposes that he initiated. I read an article in the Trib yesterday about some guy who apparently was drug addled (drug addled and drug riddled) for decades and now he's come out with a book to finance the college education of his daughters. There are questions of course, about what's fact and what's fiction. Sounds like another Forty Million Pieces to me.

For my taste, there's a fine line in a memoir. A little revelation is good, too much is too much. I started reading The Glass Castle. Too early to tell whether I will finish it or flip pages. It's kind of the same thing page after page: dad throws pet cat out car window, kid falls out car door, kid sets self on fire, family moves in the middle of the night. And then and then and then.

The county fair is over and there's a taste of fall in the air. The sunlight is different and not so harsh as earlier in August. It feels like the dog days have passed.

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