cooking in the heat

I was standing over the stove earlier, with a couple pots going, and I was hotter than hell. I had forgotten that we shut the AC off last night. Holy crap. That's a mistake you don't want to make in August. It was a labor intensive meal for we got out of it: two itty bitty servings of low-fat beef stroganoff. Uff da.

I got the new David Sedaris book from the library today. It's just what I'm in the mood to read after that dark memoir.

Just checked the weather and it looks all the rain is going east and west of us. We just get the gray skies and oppressive humidity.


deb said…
You'll like David Sedaris' book but it's not quite as funny as his other ones. I didn't laugh out loud until about midway through it. But, it's still funny.
Anonymous said…
I've heard the same thing about Sedaris' book. I think it's good that you chose something that will ease you out of the darkness of the memoir. Too much jocularity could put you over the edge.

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