Rainy Sunday morning
I have the usual excuses for not posting much lately:
- School just started and that takes more brain cells than it used to.
- We've had a lot of birthdays to celebrate: Tom, Harvey, Bob. Each required a meal and some gift preparation. One I delivered in a Bath and Body bag, one still had price tags on the stuff, and one had no card. Lame, I know.
- It's the weekend of the Rockbend Folk Festival. Yesterday was gorgeous but that meant the crowd was huge and thus I was greatly over-stimulated (and not in a good way) by the time we went home.
- I have an appointment at Mayo on Tuesday so I've been gathering all my records and musings from the last month. I like to be prepared.
- The weather, until today, has been beautiful and we've been trying to enjoy what might be the last nice days of autumn.