Sunday, October 19, 2008

things that amaze

1. I walked under a walnut tree last week and heard a loud crunching noise. I looked up and there was a squirrel on every branch, each of them with their little paws on a walnut. It was like a squirrel Christmas tree.

2. We had the last barbecue party of the season yesterday and it was a blast. If things go right, there will be a slideshow at the bottom of this post with the picture evidence. We were able to sit outside for about an hour between 2:30 and 3:30 before it started to cool off. What an amazing thing, to sit outside this late in October.

3. Regis cooked ribs and stuffed mushrooms on the grill, and people brought great food. Paul across the street brought little sandwiches made from ground brisket. Tom brought chicken breast wrapped in bacon. Amber brought her famous beer bread. Bob brought the Fritsch beans. It was a grand time. At the end of the evening, Regis fried a batch of pierogies in butter for the last of the crowd.

4. Jane and Dick drove up from Iowa for the weekend. Amazing to have such good, old friends. We celebrated Jane's retirement on Friday night with a bag of presents and a poem. I'll post the poem later. It isn't on this computer and I'm too tired to get up and email it to myself. Jane and I have been friends for 34 years.

5. Ella was delightful at the party. She had her picture taken with most people in attendance. She wasn't sure what to make of the rubber nose and moustache but she was a good sport about even that silliness.

6. My brother David and his wife Joan came for a while. It's amazing to have family and old friends and little ones together.

7. Betty brought a bottle of African liqueur called Idobo and we raised a glass to the beautiful day and family and friends. I've know Betty and Tom since 1979 when I moved to St. Peter from Iowa. That's going on 30 years, although once

8. Last week I saw a guy driving a huge-ass SUV pulling a tiny, junky trailer with a flat of water softener salt on it. You'd think if you can afford to drive a huge-ass SUV, you could afford to have your salt delivered. Just an observation.

9. My neighbor (to the north) was outside with gas-powered implements for 5 hours yesterday. First he blew all his leaves around the yard into a pile on the driveway. I could have picked them up in sandwich bags faster than that process. Then he mowed his yard, and his neighbors yard. I'm sure he covered it at least twice. I'm going to start using a squirt bottle full of Round-Up to write political messages on his lawn in the dark of night. Uh oh. But funny.

10. I mowed my yard today but even with our tiny mower, it only took about an hour and that's going slow to mulch up the leaves. We're not great believers in raking, as you can imagine.

11. We made the switch from lawn mower to snow blower today, put the lawn chairs away for the season, hung the bikes from the garage ceiling, and packed up the grill. Very sad. Next spring we're going to build the Howard Fritsch Memorial Patio in our front yard. We've given up on the notion of sitting discreetly in the back yard. We plan to have room for the grill, the chimnea, and a gaggle of lawn chairs.

12. Tiffany's ultrasound revealed good news. No bed rest for now. She was relieved and so were we. Baby needs to stay where he is for a while yet.

Well, there you go. My feet are tired tonight so I think it will be an early night. Tomorrow's Monday. Ugh.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Looks like a great party, Teresa. It's hard to tell your friends from your relatives--they all resemble each other after knowing each other for so long and/or being related. A lot of facial hair, I noticed. Ha! Great pictures, and great list. I'm all for you sneaking out in the dead of night to spray political messages on your neighbor's yard. I'll even keep an eye out for the cops. Recently I've been re-radicalized, not so much about politics because I get a headache from politics, but about not letting s _ _ _ happen. I'll tell you about it sometime.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...