Friday, December 26, 2008

back to normal

I took a day off yesterday and now I'm ready to go. Here's the plan:
  1. We're going to Canby today when Regis is done with work at 1:00 to see Mom. We'll head back tomorrow so we can be back in SP before dark.
  2. Tiffany is coming on Sunday if they can get their car started.
  3. Steve invited us to a Christmas party on Sunday afternoon. I'm making the Mocha Cream Torte that everyone likes so much.
  4. Monday, Ella and I are spending the day together while her mama works.
  5. I bought two swim suits online last night and I'm going to start swimming before school as soon as they come. My joints are killing me in the cold weather and swimming should be better for them than walking. This will no doubt be its own post sometime. Buying a swim suit is a strange domain for me and donning one for public wear is going to be traumatic.
  6. My back is better this morning but I'm going to get a massage this weekend.
  7. I took care of the medical record requests for MC.
  8. I'm going to fill my prescription for prilosec.
  9. I have a couple more shopping and delivering type things to do.
  10. I'll either clean the living room myself or I'll hire someone to do it. That dust isn't going anywhere soon.
  11. I'm back on my healthy eating plan. The holidays were fun but it's back to work.
  12. I'm going to make an appointment with my weight loss coach. Falling gently off the wagon over the holidays wasn't all bad...I got a good case of humility and feel re-charged and ready to go.


deb said...

You go, sister! I'm feeling re-charged, too. Fiber One and yogurt ....yum yum yum

Anonymous said...

Great sense of commitment, Teresa!
Hope your drive to Canby was easy and that you had fun with your mom!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...