Sunday, December 28, 2008

more holiday stuff and a couple good sightings

There's a slide show at the bottom with a few more pictures of our trip to Canby and another holiday gathering at Steve and Brenda's house this afternoon. We've had such a nice Christmas this year.

We went to one of the grocery stores in Mankato later this afternoon to buy groceries. I spotted the worst mullet haircut in the world. Not only a mullet but a godawful ugly, long and greasy one. Regis didn't see it and we agreed that from now on when I want him to look at something in a subtle way, I'll say, "When was the last time we watched MTV?" I did a google search for mullet, intending to post a picture of one, but honestly, it hurts your eyes. Try it.

So, we're getting in the car in the parking lot of the unnamed grocery store which I loathe but which has German roasted coffee that Regis loves when this goober in the next car is loading his truck with his groceries, he slams the lid, and we see that he has a RAW WEINER hanging out of his mouth. My God. How hungry does a guy have to be to shove a raw weiner in his mouth in the parking lot? Reggie, where were you when we needed you? Two classic moments you would have enjoyed.

When we were in Canby, we took Mom around town to see the Christmas lights. We laughed about how when we were kids, we did that and while we were gone, Santa came and left presents for us. How did he know? I was a believer in Santa long past the time when most kids my age had given it up and I still love the idea of Santa. The Polar Express, you know. The bell still rings for those who believe.

Tiffany has about two months until Elliot is due. She wasn't able to come home for Christmas but we hope she'll be here one of the next weekends. I know she missed being here and she missed the good food. She's a good eater, my baby girl.

Regis and I are about done with Christmas food. If I don't see green bean casserole for another year, it will be fine. No almond bark pretzels or chex mix. Even chex mix. Ack.

My wake-up call tomorrow is 5 a.m. The pool opens for lap swim at 5:45 and I plan to be in it.

1 comment:

Jill said...

A dog named Audie Murphy. Who even remembers the actor by the same name?

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