This is a picture of some poor soul in some snowy town in Minnesota. It's wicked cold and windy and not fit to be outside. I woke up at 4 o'clock and obsessively watched the websites for school closings, not so much to see mine, but to discover a pattern and to read the names of the towns and try to guess where they were.
We have a new system in our district so I found the delay announcement online, I got a recorded call from a service, and I got a call from a real human. The calls came kind of late so I was up and dressed and ready to go but it's nice to sit in the living room and watch the lights with another cup of coffee.
The plows are going by so I suppose the streets in town are open. Hard to tell what it's like in the country.
Stay warm...
That's a great picture! It's stay-in-the house weather here, too. I mentioned to The Butler that it felt like Minnesota Deer Hunting weather....rainy and cold. He's trying to grow a tomato plant out on the patio -- ha ha ha ha -- but it is looking almost pathetic with it's sad wilted little arms.
Imagine the thought of a tomato plant outside here, in this weather. I had to remind myself what a tomato is when I read Deb's comment...seems so long ago since we had any real ones...
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