Tuesday, February 03, 2009

i want a job as a weather man

A weather man (person, I mean) doesn't have to be accurate and we all understand that but hell they don't even have to be close. One of them predicted 22 degrees tomorrow but it's going to be ten below tonight. I don't think so, Tim. I could predict weather like that by throwing darts. Fifty percent chance of partly sunny to partly cloudy. What the hell.

My friend Nancy said today she doesn't think she'll thaw out until June and that's true of a lot of us. The liquor stores in the midwest are doing a crackerjack business this winter is all I have to say about it.

My neighborhood liquor store had a wine of the month pinot noir that I really liked in January. I was there Saturday as they were dismantling the display and I couldn't resist. So, if you live in the area and would like a bottle of wine, leave a comment. I'm not selling it, mind you. That would require a liquor license and I don't have one.

Regis wanted me to mention that his personal Terrible Towel is 2-0 and that he was born in Sixburgh. That's a joke that means the Steelers have won six Superbowls. It had to be spelled out for me. Regis was born in Pittsburgh and so were both of his boys. That's a lotta gargonzola.

I've had a hard time finding a book I want to read this winter. I went on that Henry VIII tear that wasn't very satisfying. I've tried a couple other things that I either plowed through or quit in the middle. I think this started with Edgar Sawtelle. I might go back to rereading some old favorites from Jim Harrison, Kent Haruf, and Louise Erdrich.

I went to a workshop the other day on examining student work but the focus was on math. I was petrified as I had a bad math experience in second grade that traumatized me for life. I'm sure I had 175 very nice days in second grade but this is the one I recall most vividly. Consequently, I carried a multiplication table into college math classes and I panic whenever I have to add publicly. I managed to solve the very complex math problem with only one small calculation error that of course, made my answer wrong but the teacher was very kind and pointed out that my process was just fine. In fact, she called it by a name that I can't remember right now. Some kind of function. It meant I used addition instead of multiplication. Could it have been exponential function? I looked that up in google but....hmmm...beats me.

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