Sunday, March 15, 2009

regis and teresa cook

Betty found a comfortable chair by the bookshelf where she could put her foot up. We talked about books and movies mostly...some cooking. And our plans for outdoor improvements this spring. Betty's planing vines and adding trellises to their patio area...we're putting in the Howard Fritsch Memorial Patio under the birch tree.

Tom went from vertical to horizontal several times throughout the afternoon as he was tired. He had to share the love seat with the dog who enjoyed the attention.

Regis made this delicious prime rib roast. I made a dish called colcannon to accompany...mashed potatoes with leeks, shallots, and napa cabbage. I thought it was delicious. Regis would rather keep his cabbage separate apparently as his reviews were not so good.

I tried to get Peter to take the Irish glasses to Mankato with him. I said they'd be chick magnets but he didn't think so.

I made a chocolate stout cake that is delicious but this year, the top of the damn cake stuck in the pan so it didn't look so pretty. The genache covered it up for the most part. No complaints on the final course which was served with Irish coffee.

I spend more time on the tablecloth and the glassware than dusting the furniture and scrubbing the floors.

Peter bought a new video game so he was preoccupied with that but he spent some time visiting with us. And eating. As I was taking this picture, he said, "Don't take my picture and put it on your blog". Ok.

We had some nice Irish cheeses with a baguette and an onion soup made with Guinness. The best cheese was called Prairie Breeze from the coop.

All in all, it was a good meal and the company was great. Beautiful day...we even had the door open for a while until Regis got hot from the sun coming's that for a change?

We love weekends.

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