Thursday, March 26, 2009

bright thing in the sky

It snowed off and on all day today, never accumulating, but making it look like winter. About an hour ago, we had 30 seconds of sunshine. It's only 30 degrees so not exactly basking weather. I'm not complaining. My brother, Bruce, reports from Fargo:
They just raised the crest to 42 feet with a possibility of 43. The flood
in 97 got to just over 39 feet. We SHOULD be safe, but who knows. Sewage
backup is a distinct possibility. I've been sandbagging every day; they
estimate that 10,000 people a day have been volunteering to sandbag. We've
done just about all that can be done, now we need a bit of luck. It would
make a hell of a's like a war zone with all the activity.
People have come from Canada, Florida, Alaska, Minnesota, South Dakota and
Uff da is all I can think of to say. It's touching that people come out to help in disasters like this mess in Fargo and our tornado. I remember groups of men coming down the street with chain saws and lunch buckets. It made me cry. It does bring out the best in people. And it keeps them from watching Fox News which isn't a bad thing either. That's my cynical side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could weep when I see the flood in Fargo and beyond. I pray that my family is safe, but I also worry about all the others.
I know what a toilet overflowing can do and wonder how you could possibly clean up after a flood.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...