Monday, March 30, 2009

catching up on stuff

My friends had a lovely shower for Tiffany and Elliot on Saturday. It was a feat of organization for which I was not wholly responsible but pulled off my part with aplomb. I'm not sure that's true but I had to end that sentence somehow. It was lovely and makes me feel like I did after I gave I should send everyone emotion-filled thank you notes. It's touching that my friends just take me and my children in and express such generosity and kindness toward them. I could never repay them.

The pictures are in slideshow format at the bottom. Here they are on Picasa if you want to download or upload.

My mom came, which was very nice. We had a grand time at the shower and later at our house. Her friend Marilyn accompanied her so she didn't have to drive alone. Nothing like a road trip. We took them out for breakfast to the Northwoods Cafe the next morning, then they went on their way to Luverne for Rachel's confirmation.

Alex was baptized on Saturday so that's two in one weekend for God's army. One for the Pope and one for Luther.

Regis and I stopped at Kohls then I came home to nap while he did the dishes. What a good man. I headed to Rochester about 3 where I met up with Steve, Sherry, and Catie for pizza and beer. If you were on the road yesterday you might have noticed that the water (lakes and such) were the brightest blue you could imagine. Gorgeous. Good to visit with S, S, and C and reacquaint with Pepsi, the Dog Cousin. He had his bow-tie on in my honor. I think they were tempted to send him home with me. Oh, no. No more Jack Russell Terrorists in this house!

I spent today at Mayo doing all the pre-op stuff. It was interesting and all. The MRI was creepy and I had to keep my eyes shut to keep from freaking out. I had to refrain from food and drink until that was over at almost 1:00. After being shut up in that little tube for 45 minutes and dehydrated as an old mushroom, I was wobbly. You'd think they could do better than a drinking fountain. I went to the coffee shop and sucked down a carton of skim milk, a protein bar, and a latte so fast it made my head spin even more than the MRI. I hope my liver did itself proud.

The anesthesia doctor who reviewed all my tests said I'm very healthy except for, and get this, being a little on the heavy side. Jeebus. What does he think I'm there for, a hair transplant?

I'm having a bit of an allergy issue lately. Last year about this time was my first attack. I snored so loud I woke myself up. Scary.

Time to go to bed. I have several new books but the one I'm going to re-read first is: The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

when we're next in st. peter, we'll have to get callum and ella together again. they are just too cute. also, just reading about your MRI made my heart jump. i have to take xanax before MRIs (or CT scans or, on bad days, maybe before getting in an elavator) because i'm so terrified of how closed in i feel. good job surviving that!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...