Saturday, April 18, 2009


I deleted the earlier post. It was dumb. If you read it, you probably agree and if you didn't, you didn't miss much.

We've had a peaceful Saturday. I cleaned up the Easter decorations and we went for a bike ride, then went to Bob and Em's to see the babies. Alex was happy to sit on Popop's lap while Ella entertained me. She had a pair of gold Mary Janes on (And she was dancin'!) and I loved them. I wonder if they make them in grown-up sizes.

I wanted to sit in the yard again today but it was overcast and chilly so I took a nap instead. Very satisfying.

I'm tired tonight, even with the nap, but Regis wants to watch some car chase movie. Ack. But he suffered through something I picked out last night...Forgetting Sarah Marshall...which you must have to be much younger than we are to appreciate. Gratuitous full frontal nudity is really not my bag. One of the reviews (didn't read until it was too late...) said it was a romantic comedy with no story, no romance, and no comedy. Pretty much sums it up. I owe him a car chase movie.

Regis thinks it was me driving the bus on the road to perdition because he doesn't miss beer and I do. He might be right.

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