Same old stuff here. Got outside a little bit yesterday. Bought some pansies. Tom says that's a bad name for them since they're pretty tough. Good one, Tom. I woke up in the middle of the night worried about them, though, so I waddled into the yard in my pajamas and brought them into the house. Waking up to frozen pansies on Easter morning would be a drag.
We went to Tom's with a pizza last night. Regis and Tom had the Classic Combo with a few bottles of Harp while I had two tablespoons of yogurt and one tablespoon of applesauce. It didn't even hurt.
Moving on into the day....more later.
WOW!!!You do look like Peter Rabbit. Do you mind if I say you look like the Saum side and not the Syverson side?
Did you grow those ears when you were in the hospital. I think I fed you too many carrots when you were a baby...
Happy Easter...
Pat says " no comment"
You leave me speechless!!
Helen. Happy Easter.
What would the sorority sisters say?
By the way, I didn't mean to be anonymous on the other response. Just bumped the wrong circle and couldn't go back.
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