Tuesday, May 19, 2009

hey, i'm a rockstar

I went back to the MC today to see the dietitian and my surgeon. The dietitian is very subdued (and only groused at me one time about a piece of turkey) but my surgeon says I'm a rockstar! I've lost 30 pounds since my surgery and everything checks out just fine. He said I can pull out the one tiny thread from a stitch that's left and I won't unravel. I thanked him for his fine work and said he gets the credit for my success. He didn't deny that but said it's also because I follow the rules. Maybe that's true.

I'll go back in July for bloodwork to check for everything under the sun and a visit to all of the players again.

I wish we had taken the camera as the tulips around the Doctors Mayo in the plaza were stunning. When we go back this summer, I want Regis to take a picture of me sitting by the good doctors.

Anybody have a good gnat repellant? Mom says to try Listerine or a dryer sheet in your pocket, I used to use vanilla when I lived in Iowa, and Regis is ready to try toxic chemicals. They've been terrible.

It's very hot and windy today. The furnace was on in the house this morning and by the time we got home, it was time for the AC. Miles, be sure to use a good sunscreen. I'm a believer in the highest SPF you can find on the shelf. Tender Scandinavian skin does not need any sun. Not unless you want to look like an old saddlebag when you're 40. I hope you're passing my weather tips on to your cousins. I saw something called Sunblock at the Mayo Clinic store today. Let me know if I should pick some up for you.

It's been a full day and I'm going to relax with the rest of it.

1 comment:

Miles said...

Hey rockstar,
Thanks for the sunscreen tips. My mom doesn't bother to apply anything less than SPF 70 on my ultra white frame. And you'll probably be glad to know that I put rocks in my pockets today so I wouldn't blow away -- learned that one from you when I was just a baby!
Thanks for thinking of me.

p.s. Your new grandsons are quite a handsome pair. That Ella girl is pretty cute, too :)

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...