Thursday, June 25, 2009

brief update

A good time was had by all at the Legion.

Regis and I sat on the patio until 9:00 tonight. That's about 5 hours past sunset in the dead of winter. Imagine that.

One of my neighbors is blasting Michael Jackson music out over the area tonight. Oh please.

I feel like my nerves are sticking outside my body today. Two neighbors mowing lawns with big and loud lawn mowers. One shrill barking dog. This is why I don't keep dangerous weapons in the house. Ha! Actually that's the title of a poem by Billy Collins but I think he used the word gun. I should live in the country.

I'm on my way to bed and I don't have a book to read having finished False Impression by Jeffrey Archer. It's a suspense book which is outside my zone of comfort but it was so good I finished it in three days. He's a good writer.

Good night.

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