It wasn't cold enough for a parka but it was cold. I tried working in the garden but my hands got cold so I would pop into the house periodically to warm up. It warmed up enough so we could cook a beer can chicken on the grill but we scooted back in the house shortly after it was done.
We're having company for dinner tomorrow night (you know who you are) and I am concerned abuot my lack of concern over house cleaning. I am a notorious bad housekeeper and I have written about it here many times. I'm not as bad as some people (garbage houses) and I once read a book about a couple who had gaping holes in their walls and animals went freely in and out. I'm not that bad. I avoid anti-bacterial cleaners, I don't have a need for an immaculate kitchen floor and I don't mind a few piles of stuff around. I've decided when I invite people over, they probably won't mind if the house isn't spotless if we have a little wine and the food is good.
Cooler weather and more time in the house= more time to post on the blog and more time to reflect on house cleaning.
If you're concerned about house cleaning, STOP IT. I have always wondered what it would be like to have everything from ceiling to floor and from wall to wall clean at the same time. It used to be on my wish list, but not any more. In fact, I don't even have a wish list anymore!
I think the fly swatter and ashtray tell the real story. Shorts and a parka? Please don't tell me he's wearing sandals with those socks!!!
what a wuss!!!
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