Saturday, July 04, 2009

highlights of the parade

It's been a peculiar 4th of July. We took jackets and a huge umbrella to the parade and needed all of it. The people who sold cold drinks and freezies didn't do so well but there was a great crowd in spite of the rain.

We saw the usual DFL politicians: Kathy Sheran, Terry Morrow, Tim Walz and lots of people holding signs and passing out stickers. No Al Franken or his kid this year but they're probably busy moving to new digs. The Republicans came a few units later and they had one miserable looking guy in a pickup pulling a float. That's it. What's up with that? The Sarah Palin news probably has them all in a dither.

There was a non-English speaking family in front of us by the end of the parade. The little kids were darling and sure got in the spirit of the candy tossing!

We stopped at Bob's for a while after I had a nap to warm up and re-charge. Nice to visit with people there.

Regis and I came home to sit on the patio. We had to pull our chairs under the tree to keep dry as it keeps sprinkling. (And the neighbor kid is playing loud rap music on some outdoor speakers.) We're getting like my dad: we sit outside every minute we can in any kind of weather. We like to watch people go by and we like to watch the birds.

We're going to cook a steak and a piece of halibut on the grill for dinner. And we're going to attempt to stay awake for the fireworks.

Enjoy the slideshow! Be sure to read the captions.

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