This is one of our canna leaves. They're huge and tropical looking and are starting to bloom now. The hummingbirds love them. I guess I don't know if that's plural hummingbirds since we only see one at a time. The plants give our yard a great jungle feel.
Regis is on laundry detail already this morning. What a guy.
We bought a solar address sign the other day. Ever since the incident where Regis had to be transported to the ER by ambulance in the dark of a winter night, I've worried about people being able to find our house. The first responder sort of chided me for having a wreath hung over the light. He said it was hard to see the house numbers and they don't like to waste time. Especially now in the summer with all the foliage, it's hard to see the house much less the numbers. This sits in front of the birch tree and lights up like the A&W at night. That should do it.
I'm working on my menu for the week. I can see the grilling coming to an end already. Regis will have a night class on Wednesday so that will have to be an easy, quick meal. Ugh. It's been so cool that it makes you think about soup and meatloaf and baked potatoes. We're making stuffed portobellas on the grill tonight with maybe a few shrimp and scallops. I have some mahi mahi (whatever that is) in the freezer, too. That would be an adventure. I've had shark a couple times this summer and liked it but they don't call it shark...and I can't remember the other name.
I finally finished that damn book. I skimmed the last few chapters. Ugh again. I should have quit in the middle of it. No recommendation on that one.
I'm going to sit in my flannel nightgown until about 11 this morning, when I will get dressed and go to Patrick's for breakfast. Then I'm going to come home and take a nap in the reclining lawn chair on the patio. That's Sunday as it should be.
1 comment:
When I try to use the Open ID I get an error report form. What do I need to do to make it work? Never mind. I'll use my google account info.
Anyway, what's the report on the nerve zinger problem? If it's too personal to write about I apologize for bringing it up.
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