Thursday, August 06, 2009

unintentional break from the blog

Regis reminded me tonight that it's been almost a week since my last post. I've composed a few in my head but nothing I got down on the screen. I'm back.

It's been a busy week, some of which I can't remember. Tiffany's car broke down and we decided to buy her an inexpensive car to help her make it through school. That's stressful stuff for a person who doesn't like to look at, think about, or shop for cars. I finally remembered that my cousin Mike sells cars in Winona. I checked out his website, then called him and bought a car sight unseen. It isn't the first time I've done that, by the way. Mike was a great help and has gone way out of his way to make sure Tiffany has wheels on Monday when she starts school. They're even delivering the car to her in Minneapolis.

Joanne came for coffee early Wednesday morning and we sat on the patio as the sun came up. There was a hummingbird in the garden so that was like a tiny gift. She left for Illinois the next morning to visit her dad so we had to connect before that. Our friends have been coming and going a lot lately (us, too) so it's hard to remember who's where and when they're coming back from wherever they were.

Regis and I are having trouble sleeping lately. Usually one or both of us are awake somewhere between 2 and 4 a.m. It's not such a problem when you don't have to be anywhere at any specific time. It gets more critical on days I work. Like today I wanted to be at the pulse at 5:15 and had to leave for work at 7:30. No time for insomnia.

Regis is a little disgusted with is impending school experience. They (Podunk U) have decided that he can only take 12 credits a semester and that he'll have to take 6 credits next fall. His advisor was unsympathetic and said that's just the way it is. This is a course designed for displaced workers? This might not matter if you're 18 and living in your parent's basement but it matters a lot if you're looking at the end of unemployment and COBRA benefits. I encouraged him to write a few letters and I'm sure he will. Burn.

We have some very bold rabbits in our neighborhood this summer. One fellow walks right up the sidewalk like he's coming to visit. We can come out the door, sit on the lawn chairs, talk in loud voices...nothing matters. He just keeps on coming. Then he takes a sharp left into the garden and commences munching plants. He is not afraid of us in the least.

It looks like we might get some rain tonight. That would be nice. The garden has managed with the sprinkling we give it, but it hasn't thrived. We don't believe too much in watering plants or grass, for that matter. We have a Darwin garden...survival of the fittest.

Oh, I forgot I have some garden pictures to plant. We ordered a sign tht says HOWARD FRITSCH MEMORIAL PATIO and bought a big red ceramic pot that we had planted with a rosemary topiary and some herbs. It's really pretty. Since we used Howard's money to build the patio, we thought it was a fitting tribute. Thanks, Howard. We are enjoying the patio a lot.

1 comment:

Jill said...

My first attempt at a comment didn't take. Some glitch in the blogosphere no doubt. Anyway, the patio and flowers are great. Regis's dad would be proud.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...