Sunday, September 06, 2009

busy week no blog

Regis is in school full time now and has lots of work to do at home. School district workshops started last week so I ran from place to place all week, hoping I had the right stuff in my bag for that job. Wednesday night, Joanne and I met Tiffany at Ruby Tuesday and made the big trade...I bought her dinner and we got to take Elliot for a few days. What a treat!

Elliot spend the day with Bob and Emily on Thursday and played with Ella and Alex. This is Elliot in Alex's Baby Einstein saucer. Looks like he enjoys it.

It took us a couple days to figure out the tired and hungry cues, but he was such a good baby. He's very happy and smiles all the time.

We spent a lot of time on the patio and going for stroller rides. Elliot loved being outside and especially loved the cars and lawnmowers. That's a guy for you!

Elliot loved the baby swing and figured out right away how to grip the ropes so he could swing.

He's a sweet baby and we loved having him. His mama missed him, though, and was very glad to see him Saturday morning!

More pictures of Elliot's vacation here!

Saturday night we had family over for ribs on the grill. Peter and Tiffany couldn't come because they had to work, but Joanne and Glen were here...and they're like family. We had a good time playing bags on the boulevard, drinking a little wine, eating stuffed poblano peppers from the garden, and talking smart. We were outside long enough to light candles and swat mosquitoes so it was a good party.

I'm tired from a week of work and baby care and cooking so I might just stay in my pajamas for a while today. Regis and Reggie went off to buy groceries but I think it might have been an opportunity to do a man trip as much as a grocery errand. They have fun together.

So far, and it's early, we have plans to do three things today...go to Morgan Creek, go to Dino's, and cook pizza on the grill. All three involve pizza. Not sure which will happen, if any. I feel lazy today.

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observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...